Sargasso Journal
Selected Pieces from Print Special Issue
Introduction – A Collaborative Project
Rosamond S. King, Lawrence La Fountain Stokes,
Katherine Miranda, & Angelique V. Nixon
Garantas que gritan / Screaming Throats
Historia escrita de otros / Written History of Others
Zulma Oliveras Vega
Activismo académico-político en Puerto Rico:
el Coloquio ¿Del otro lao?: Perspectivas sobre sexualidades queer
Beatriz Llenín Figueroa en colaboración con Néstor Rodríguez y Lissette Rolón Collazo
Hunger, Highways, and Human Rights:
Politics of Visibility and Social Justice in Trinidad and Tobago
Krystal Ghisyawan
“Hay que tener una fortaleza fuerte”: Catholic Coloniality, Sexual Terror and Trans Sobrevivencia in the Dominican Republic
Ana-Maurine Lara
Attitudes Towards Homosexuals in Trinidad and Tobago and the Southern Caribbean
Alana Griffith and Peter Wickham
Special Feature of the Online Edition:
Amor Raro and Other Heart-Shaped Islands:
A conversation between Nicolás Dumit Estévez and Arthur Avilés
Yolanda Arroya Pizarro
Diversidad – colección de poesía
To purchase a copy of the print journal special issue, please visit the Sargasso website and order online. Consider supporting Sargasso through a subscription!
Cover Art: “Belonging” by Shalini Seereeram
Permission granted by the artist for print and online use.
Shalini Seereeram is an innovative artist who has been creating vibrant, undulating portraits of women and men for the past fifteen years of her career. Her technical style is informed by continuous lines, intricate patterns, swirls and dramatic contrast of colour within the picture plane depicting Indo-Caribbean culture.