(Translation by Jasmin Blessing)
(Candle or in this case fire )
Autoras: Olivia Prendes y Odaymara Cuesta.
Authors: Prendes y Odaymara Cuesta.
Maternizando lo Patriarcado.Dale.Daselaaa.” el blopa ”.
Mothering the hierarchical. Hit it. Give it.
Coro: Kandela , vanguardia mujerista haciendo escuela,
Chorus : Fire, feminist avant-garde creating discipline/education
Kandela ,removiendo su techo y tu zuela,
Fire, moving its ceiling and your feet,
Kandela , le guste o le duela a kien le duela.
Fire, whether it pleases or hurts anyone.
Kandela, Krudas las primeras.
Fire, Krudas the firsts
Olivia: Con mi comportamiento, doy movimiento a tu pensamiento ,
With my behavior I move your thoughts
cambio tu sentimiento porque amo , no miento,
I change your feeling because I love you, I don’t lie
no me dejo llevar por el viento, aqui yo,
I don’t let myself be taken away by the wind, here I am
Reina Conocimiento, completa, una vez mistica otra vez perreta
Queen Knowledge, complete, one time mystical, another like drunk ,
si me faltan me pongo ”soketa” con los abusadores,
If I’m messed with, I am self-defensive against the abusers
”soketa” con los falsos profetas, soketa con quienes se creen mejores.
self-defensive against the false preachers, against who believe to be/better.
Me quema esta kandela en la que vivo y sonrio
This fire I live in burns me and I smile
al ver que ustedes tambien sonrien al sufrir la quemadura.
When I see that you also smile while suffering all this burning
” Viva nuestra Cultura” Hip Hop
Long life our culture hop hop
pero aqui tambien me quema una realidad muy dura,
but here also burns me a hard reality
injusta y contantemente somos ignoradas, maltratadas, discriminadas,
Unfair and constantly we are being ignored, abused and discriminated
las mujeres casi nunca bien representadas:
women always never well represented
Caballero, esa expresion no me incluye.
Gentlemen, that expression does not include me
El hombre, esa expresion no me incluye.
The man, that expression does not include me
Los humanos, esa expresion no me incluye.
Brothers, that expression does not include me
Somos Hembras , todo eso influye,
We are women, all that matters
en lo que te voy a explicar de aqui en lo adelante.
To what I am about to explain to you
Cambio y fuera.(Coro,idem)
Change and outside
Olivia:Te decia que todo eso influye en seamos tan pocas
Olivia: I was telling you that all that matters in that we are so few
las que como rocas seguimos aqui en la resistencia,
that like rocks continue in our resistance
defendiendo derechos educando a la audiencia , escucha audiencia ,
defending rights educating the audience, listen audience,
existe la diversidad, como existe la delgadez , existe la obesidad,
There is diversity as well as thinness, there is obesity
como existe lo claro existe la oscuridad,
As lightness exists, obscurity exists,
como existe lo masculino existe la femenidad,
As male exists, female also exists
como existe lo heterosexual existe a homosexualidad .
As heterosexuality exists, there is also homosexuality
Todas y todos tenemos derecho a la libertad,escucha ,
All of us deserve the right to freedom, listen,
cada quien se esta quemando con virtudes con defectos,
Each of us is getting burned with virtues, with flaws,
todo el mundo esta en kandela , ni perfectas ni perfectos.
Everyone is on Fire, no one is completely perfect
Chorus: Idem
Odaymara: Entro llego la faraona barrenando tus neuronas
Odaymara: Entered and just came the Pharaoh, drilling your neurons
la que te alumbra desde las catacumbas empezo el round desenfunda
I, who illuminates you from the catacombs where the round began
un dia como hoy hago tu cuerpo explotar,
A day like today I make your body explode,
sube la temperatura cuando me pongo a rimar
Temperature rises when when I begin to rime
te provoco picazon no lo puedes soportar
I urge itchiness, you can not understand/ stand
vengo rompiendo esquemas contra la falsa moral ,
I am on the way to break schemes, I come against false principles
dejando dagnificados Hip Hop letal ,
Leaving damaged Hip Hop lethal,
yo jorobo a los bobos le meto el micro hasta el codo , te sobo
I bend all dummies, I play with their minds all over,
es mi modo con todo caliente , te dejo impotente
It’s my way with everything hot, I leave you impotent
tu eres mi dulcinea yo tu princesa valiente , viste ?
You are my sweetie , and I, your brave princess, see?
te baje la saya , te pase la raya y te cogio ,asere ,la ”faya” .
I pulled down your skirt, I played with you and you were caught, YO’, the “slip”
Chorus: Idem
Las Primeras , unificando mujeres.Omegas.
THE FIRSTS, unifying women. Omegas
Las primeras , Hip Hop underground que tu quieres.
THE FIRSTS, underground Hip Hop you want
Las primeras no te desesperes, Omegas. Se pega.
The firsts, don’t be impatient, Omegas. It’s catchy.
Kandela , por dentro por fuera , entrega especial.
Fire, inside and out, special delivery.